Solidarity & Gender Democracy
Donnerstag, 29. September 2022 - Freitag, 30. September 2022
Die „Ostsee-Frauenkonferenz“ findet in englischer Sprache statt. Sie ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung des Instituts für interdisziplinäre Genderforschung der Fachhochschule Kiel, des LandesFrauenRats Schleswig-Holstein e.V., der Europäichen Bewegung Schleswig-Holstein e.V. und des Landesbeauftragten für politische Bildung.
Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the European Union but it has not yet been fully achieved by any member state. Every year, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) releases the Gender Equality Index, a tool to measure progress in gender equality in the EU in six core domains (work, money, knowledge, time, power, health). 2021, the EU scored 68 points out of 100, with widely varying results across countries. However, gender inequalities are most pronounced in the domain of power, especially in economic decision-making.
In view of the too slow progress in gender equality as well as setbacks in women's rights, the conference takes up relevant issues of gender inequality in the Baltic Sea region and has invited experts from six countries to present and discuss their perspectives on important issues for the future. The first day is dedicated to economic aspects and the second day to political aspects.
Under the motto “Solidarity & Gender Democracy” the conference offers a platform for connection, mutual learning, solidarity and transnational feminist advocacy. Linked to this, the main objective of the conference is to create strong networks across national borders and to advocate for the stronger integration of the gender perspective in the policies of the Baltic Sea Region.
The conference takes place on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Gender Research and Diversity.
Thursday, 29 September 2022
14.00 Uhr
Conference opening & welcome message
14.20 Uhr
Gender equality and economic growth in the Baltic Sea Region
Dr Sandra Misiak-Kwit & Dr Marta Hozer-Kocmiel
University of Szczecin & Winnet Centre of Excellence
Facilitator: Alexandra Ehlers
15.10 Uhr
Gender Pay Gap in Lithuania
Vanda Jurseniene
Mykolas Romeris University
Gender Economics Laboratory
Faculty of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship
Facilitator: Prof Dr Britta Thege
16.00 Uhr
Digital design and women's perspectives: Examples from Sweden
Prof Dr Maria Uden
Luleå University of Technology
Facilitator: Alexandra Ehlers
Friday, 30 September 2022
10.00 Uhr
10.10 Uhr
Tackling gender-based violence in Estonia: challenges and successes
Kristiina Luht
Victim Support Policy Equality Policies Department
Facilitator: Prof Dr Britta Thege
11.05 Uhr
Gender Parity in Political Decision-Making in Germany
Alexandra Ehlers
Women’s Council Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Facilitator: Martina Fey
12.00 Uhr
Women during and in the aftermath of the Belarusian revolution 2020: shared leadership, new alliances, sisterhood
Dr Olga Shparaga
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
12.55 Uhr
Closing remarks & farewell
After the farewell, several Zoom rooms will remain open for you on both days, where you can exchange ideas and network.

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6. Jugendaktionskonferenz-SH
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Wahlkampf und Verschwörungserzählungen
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Und jetzt? Politische Bildung in bewegten Zeiten
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Radikal höflich
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