Political Education in Schleswig-Holstein
The State Commissioner for Political Education and his team offer political education programs for all citizens in Schleswig-Holstein! With our work we contribute to strengthening our free and democratic constitutional order and to invigorating our political culture.
The State Commissioner for Political Education
In close cooperation with our partners, we develop and implement new ideas for civic education. We also advise the Government and the Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein on matters of political education policy, while maintaining political independence and non-partisanship.
The State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein elected Dr. Christian Meyer-Heidemann by a large majority on a cross-party motion in November 2015. He was reelected in Ocotber 2021 and will serve until 2027.
Born in 1980, Dr. Christian Meyer-Heidemann is married and has two children. After studying economics, politics and mathematics at Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, he worked as a research associate at the universities of Kiel and Vechta. He earned his PhD with his thesis on “Self-education and civic identity” and lectured as an acting professor for didactics of politics at Leuphana University, Lüneburg. Dr. Meyer-Heidemann was an Acting Professor for the Didactics of Economics and Politics at Christian-Albrechts-University until 2015.
Christian Meyer-Heidemann is board member of the Schleswig-Holstein Memorial Foundation, a civic trust.
Our tasks
We organize civic education events and projects that are open to everyone in Schleswig-Holstein. We invite people to lectures, readings and public debates on a regular basis. Furthermore we organize workshops and continuing education programs, not only in the State Capital of Kiel but everywhere in Schleswig-Holstein! We cover a very wide range of topics. Besides current political issues, we focus on regional geographical and historical subjects. Looking beyond our regional borders, we also address national and international developments. The formats and methods we use facilitate active participation of our attendees. Click here to view our current event plan(in German).
In our shop we offer a plethora of books, brochures and other material postage-free!. In addition, videos (some are available in other languages than German), documents and infographics can be downloaded from our information center. Our publications and information material cover a broad range of topics, such as German history and the history of Schleswig-Holstein, international affairs like European politics and globalization and ongoing debates about digitalization or migration.
Please let us know if you have any questions about us or our activities. We are looking forward to your suggestions!
Come and visit us!
Der Landesbeauftragte für politische Bildung in Schleswig-Holstein
Karolinenweg 1
24105 Kiel
Give us a call!
0431 988 1646
Mailing address
Der Landesbeauftragte für politische Bildung in Schleswig-Holstein
Postfach 7121, 24171 Kiel
Opening hours
Mondays to Thursdays
8 am - 3 pm
Fridays 8 am - 12 noon
Feel free to ask for an appointment at a diverging time.
Contact us: lpb@landtag.ltsh.de